Just like you have the day of the week, it would be helpful to have the month of the year
as conditional format
For example
{{#if is_September}}{{#endif}}
or {{if is_month9}}
Similarly the quarter
{{#if is_Q3}}{{#endif}}
Use cases:
ability to interject time of year specific messaging
For instance:
{{#if is_September}} As we enter into the fall season, firms are starting to look at ...{{#endif}}
{{#if is_October}} Now that we are in the midst of football season, it is time to consider{{#endif}}
or {{if is_month10}} xasasdfasdf {{#endif}}
{{#if is_Q4}} The 4th Quarter is important because this is the time we start looking at upcoming budgets for next year{{#endif}}
{{#if is_Q1}} Now that your budget is formalized, now is the time to start considering your hiring needs{{#endif}}